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About Pinkish220

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  1. Yes thanks dear you are explaining good words about that topic all newbies can easily understand your post comment and follow them all forum rules and regulations.
  2. You totally saying right promises of free money generators incredible miners from no names that are way better than industry standards thanx all admins and moderators.
  3. You say totally correctly iam agreed with your comment post there is no luck in crypto trading you have to commit your self info learning because gaining knowledge help huge profit.
  4. Yes you are right agreed there are many ways to earn money or crypto you can learn and do courses about crypto and also watch on YouTube tutorial about trading.
  5. You are right dear you need to stay up to date with the latest news and trends around bitcoin or any good crypto currency projects when news is released up thanx.
  6. Thanx for sharing good comment from going to days before received a transactions on a congested Network to a maximum of 20 minutes is an incredible progress.
  7. Yes you are absolutely right dear buying investment crypto with your personal pocket money or saving that you store your future we know bank is best save place for future thanx.
  8. Yes you are right dear government today are more and more open to block chain projects and regulators are beginning to adapt there rules to crypto assets rather thanx.
  9. You say right dear I also don't count my words I just share my thoughts and what in my mind and iam share my ideas and thoughts thanx for sharing your information.
  10. You saying correctly right dear if we didnot changed uth ui or user interface of it we can do that but not for a long time that is user friendly pleasing for me thanx.
  11. You are right dear definitely if some one quotes or replied into your opinion you can see it from the inbox text in the lower left you can see a notify me of replies thanx.
  12. You are right absolutely a few hours waiting for the payment to arrive is normal and members should not worry about it thanks for giving this information.
  13. You are right dear absolutely correct saying the admin is having a discussion with moderators at this time to increase the minimum number of constructive post thanx.
  14. You don't worry dear it's a technical issue now every thing is alright nowthis is great forum for earning opportunity for all of us and I have learning alot from this forum.
  15. Yup you are right correctly saying dear I will also say I'm coming with you hopefully this forum will be great and also become a reference for people thanx.
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