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About Cannoli1987

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  1. I am using only 2 of them. But there should be about 50, maybe 100 in order to provide the best quality and support to people. We are all from different countries and some exchanges are easier for asians, indians, americans etc. The only think I would recomment is just close all the exchanges faking volumes. People can not buy or sell there because of bots.
  2. here are so many things that we can do if the coins will be stable. The market will be on the way. I mean so many things we can do like legalizing it because it is the top problem of all who wanted to make changes in cryptocurrency the volatility. If a specific coin would surpass that volatility and make itself a stable for sure there will be so many people and company would use it. It is still cryptocurrency after all.Stable coins is good in the economy but not if you've wanted to make profit out of that coin.
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