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  1. Nonsense. everyone has their opportunity to grow and see success. Hard work and dediction is the key for that. ~onlyHuman
  2. If you're 100% sure with this specific altcoin- go all the way with it. Make sure you're fully understand the business. Wish you all the best, onlyHuman
  3. KYC is a pretty good guess. Almost every exchange adds this option, not always as a mandatory step for the users, but for increased limits. ~onlyHuman
  4. Nice share and interesting project indeed. Will take a in-depth look into it. Would love to hear your thoughts. ~onlyHuman
  5. Always welcome! Everything is possible in the crypto-world, just make sure you have a backup plan πŸ˜‰
  6. Saving money can be made with buying BTC or any other well-known assets and holding it. If you want to earn even some more and you're not in a hurry, lend your money through a "lending" section in the major exchanges. You can make a few percent per year by that. Good luck from me, onlyHuman
  7. Hey, I'm not think mining DGB is profitable right now. You can use this calculator to figure out if the mining is profitable or not. You can also compete between other currencies and figure out who is the most profitable right now. Take your time and do your research, onlyHuman
  8. Gambling is a negative thing. I stopped gambling a while ago, and I don't to come back. (I still gamble sometimes with small amounts of money... can't hold that one). I focus more in "investing" sections in gambling sites. ~onlyHuman
  9. Ethereum is already big and established coin. I think Ethereum won't take any solo move that the market won't do. ETH can rally with the market together, it means gains to a lot of holders of the crypto assets. ~onlyHuman
  10. Hello BTCmooping! Day-trading is a great way to earn money from price flactunations. The only rule is "Buy Low & Sell High". The only problem is maintain this rule in the reality. You must be experience enough to make trades that will most-probably benefit you in the selling position of the trade. Try it with low amounts of money, until you feel comfortable enough, than go for bigger amount and see how's goes. Good Luck, onlyHuman
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